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Localization, machine learning
bioinformatics, machine learning
communication, Network Design, Signal processing
data integration, Information retrieval, Real Time Text Analytics, Semantic web, text mining
Computer Vision, Deep generative models, machine learning
artificial intelligence, deep learning, optimization, TinyML
Biomedical Signal Processing, Digital signal processing, healthcare, IoT, machine learning
Computer science, human health, Imaging, machine learning, News
artificial intelligence, Computer science, News
artificial intelligence, COVID-19, Spotlight, News
genome, plasmodial infections, Seminar
bioinformatics, cancer, Drug Combinations, drug effects, machine learning, Seminar
bioinformatics, machine learning, structural biology, systems biology, Seminar
communication networks, Signal processing
Ali Hassan
bioscience, Cellular Networks, living systems, Mathematical modeling, Tissue Engineering
bioinformatics, machine learning, News
data science, Spotlight, News
Computer science, News
data integration, high-throughput/NGS data, metabolic modeling
Action understanding, AI4Science, Continual Learning, Multimodal learning, Visual Language Models
Electron Transport, microelectronics
artificial intelligence, machine learning, News
AI, Computer Vision, Deep learning, Reinforcement Learning
biotechnology, healthcare
optical frequency combs, quantum-dot lasers
bioinformatics, machine learning, model evaluation, News
Computational biology, cwDTW algorithm, Nanopore Sequencing, ontology, phenotypes, SmuDGE, News
comparative genomics, proteins, News
artificial intelligence, big data, precision medicine, News
computer graphics, geometric computing, machine learning
data mining, machine learning, Metial
bioinformatics, cancer, G-quadruplex, Omics, Ontologies, text mining
breast cancer, cell conversion, drug effects, RNA genes, Transcriptomics, PhD Dissertation Defense
combustion, Computer science, machine learning, News
Computational biology, Deep learning, graph mining, machine learning, PhD Dissertation Defense
Eros Kuikel
big data, computational and statistical interface, News
Data Analyst, Software Developer
protein function prediction
Action Recognition, Self-supervised learning, Video Understanding
applied mathematics, computational science, Computer science, statistics, News
artificial intelligence, Computer science, News
genome, phenotypes, News
bioinformatics, data analysis, machine learning, metabolic simulations, rare genetic disorders
Georgios Grekas
biomechanics, numerical analysis, scientific computing, solid mechanics
bioinformatics, machine learning, neural network, protein structures
algorithm, genomics
AI4Science, Computer Vision, machine learning
bioinformatics, Computational biology
6g wireless systems, cloud- and fog-radio access networks, Cooperative networks, cross-layer optimization, machine learning, Optical communications
bioinformatics, Computational biology
Computational modeling, control systems, molecular evolution, Stochastic processes, synthetic biology
mathematics, modeling, Programming language
Houcine Chougrani
Embedded systems., Non-Terrestrial Networks
artificial intelligence, COVID-19, News
beamforming, haps, interference management, nr-u, prototyping, tochnologies coexistence